Friday, February 27, 2004

Haiti? No, We Likie Labadee.

Labadee, Haiti is owned by Royal Caribbean, but it has owned the island for only a short period. So when we went there, our expectations were not very high. It's a good thing. There are two beachfronts: one is unusable because it is heavily inhabited by jellyfish, and the other is just okay.

The weather was hot - uncomfortably so - so we headed straight for the water. The area is somewhat protected by the surrounding rocks against too much of an undertow, so that was nice. However, the water was not terribly clear (a bit murkier than I would have expected, but perhaps attributable to the number of people using the beach) and the snorkeling was not at all impressive. We saw a few fish, but only a few different kinds.

Some people who brought inflatable water loungers had the right idea. For simple rest and relaxation in the water, separate and apart from snorkeling, Labadee would be terrific. If we go back, we expect to bring our own inflatable water loungers.