Saturday, January 06, 2001

Alpaca Travels-a To-a Roma!

The Alpaca was craving pizza, so he went... where else but Italy. He started in Rome, where he excitedly visited the famous Roman Coliseum (, where man was pitted against animal. The Roman Forum (what's left of it anyway) and the Pantheon was next (

Mandatory stops at the Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica (, beautiful Trevi Fountain (, where Alpaca tried to bob for change until he calculated the $1 to 2,000 lira exchange rate) and the Spanish Steps (with the famous Ugly Boat Fountain - which really is quite ugly, arounded out the highlights of Rome. Or so we thought. Little did we know that Ryan was going to take us on a church tour of Italy. We've seen every church in Italy. Every last one. Including the church next door to a church. Really. I'm not making this up. There was a church next door to a church. Both Catholic. The entire country is going straight to heaven, I'm sure of it.